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DJs & maestros

Welcome to the page where we unveil the stars of our tango event! This year, we have a spectacular program lined up for you, filled with exhilarating milongas and inspiring workshops led by incredibly talented maestro's.


Over the coming weeks, we will reveal the names of our amazing DJs. Can you guess who they are?


Stay tuned here to discover everything about the maestros who will share their knowledge and passion with you in various workshops.

Dive into the details and be surprised by what we have in store for you.

Discover our DJs here!

DJ El Huracan

None other than El Huracán will be our first tango fiesta DJ at the opening milonga on 28 December.

Jo Switten, also known as deejay El Huracán, came in contact with the Tango Argentino end of the eighties. In 1990 he took his first classes and he immediately fell in love with the music, the dance and the social aspects of the milongas. Back then, there weren’t many possibilities to dance so he started to collect tango records and started as a deejay at national and international tango parties. On his various trips to Buenos Aires he completed his collection. Jo is passionate about tango but isn’t a librarian or a archiver of tango music. He strongly believes a good milonga is about fun, about the joy of dancing and being together, without losing the authentic character of a real Argentine salón de tango. Get ready for a night full of dancing and good ambiance. Los esperamos por una noche de garufa!

DJ El Huracan

DJ Rudy

Rudy will be our TDJ for the first Tea Time Milonga during our New Year's event Life Tango Fiesta!

Rudy discovered tango in 1997 and was instantly captivated. His passion for tango led him to Buenos Aires multiple times, where he immersed himself in the vibrant atmosphere of Argentine milongas. Inspired, he started his own milonga in Antwerp, where he also developed a deep love for DJing.
With over 16 years of experience, Rudy has become a sought-after DJ both locally and internationally. For him, Argentine tango is more than just a dance—it's a profound passion. When he dances, he seeks to engage in a meaningful conversation through movement. As a DJ, his priority is to keep the dance floor lively and energetic, ensuring that dancers are enjoying themselves. Tango is Rudy’s true addiction.


DJ Eva

Don't miss out as Eva brings Sunday evening to a stylish close!

Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Eva Icikson is a five-time finalist in the World Tango Championship. She has spent the last eight years performing and teaching across Europe.

As a Tango DJ, Eva roots her style in the vibrant milongas of Buenos Aires. From 2012 to 2015, she captivated dancers at some of the city's most renowned venues, including "El Beso," “Villa Malcolm,” and “Región Leonesa.” She was also the resident Tango DJ at "La Milonga de los Zucca" and "Fruto Dulce," and even played at the prestigious World Tango Championship. Eva's DJ style blends traditional orchestras with a party atmosphere, enhanced by her choice of cortinas. Her sets are known for their seamless flow and unexpected twists in song choices, making it difficult for dancers to stay seated.

Now based in Gent, Eva offers regular lessons and workshops, infusing the local tango community with renewed energy and authenticity. Recently, she has resumed her activity as a Tango DJ and looks forward to bringing the most enjoyable tandas to the dance floor.


DJ Sam

Our TDJ on Monday night (aftermilonga) is TDJ Sam! 

Sam, of Belgian and Turkish descent, began his tango journey in 2009 in Brussels. Like many, he quickly fell in love with the dance, diving into daily milongas, practicas, and both private and group classes. From the very beginning, his passion for tango music led him to start collecting songs, drawing inspiration from DJs and festivals around the world, including the heart of tango itself, Buenos Aires.

Sam deeply understands the powerful connection between dancers and music, and he strives to create moments of joy and harmony on the dance floor. His carefully curated sets reflect a deep respect for the dancers, seamlessly blending tandas with smooth transitions and a dynamic range of energy to keep the milonga experience vibrant and engaging.

As an experienced and generous international DJ, Sam has played at a diverse array of events, from intimate practicas to bustling dance floors with live orchestras, and even open-air milongas. He is constantly exploring new dimensions in tango music, always tailoring his sets to suit the unique atmosphere and the dancers present. Sam's selections are renowned for their rich variety, bringing color and emotion to every event.


DJ Milagros

Last Milonga - 1st of January at 01h with TDJ Milagros 

Immerse yourself in the heart of the milongas of Buenos Aires with me. I was born in the south of Argentina and grew up in different parts of this beautiful country. I discovered my passion for Tango in my adolescence, the music, dance, and vibrant social atmosphere of the milongas captivated me from the beginning. With a deep love for tango, I began to study the different orchestras, the various eras of tango, and to perfect my skills as a DJ at different events. As a tango DJ, I strive to create an authentic milonga experience with an energy that makes you experience each tango as if it were the last. My sets carefully combine different orchestras, capturing the essence of the traditional dance halls of Buenos Aires. What I love about a milonga is that people can connect with themselves, their dance partners, and others on the dance floor in a moment of emotional exchange, even if we don't speak the same language. As a DJ, I aim to create an environment full of emotions and energy while preserving the traditional essence of Argentina's iconic tango culture. Join me for an unforgettable night where the magic of tango comes to life.

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DJ Marie Jeanne

Marie Jeanne will be our tdj for the Tea Time Milonga from 14h until 18h on Monday the 30th.

Since Marie Jeanne first began dancing tango in 1995, she has fallen in love with the music. In 2002, she started her DJ career in Ghent, and today she is a celebrated DJ both in Belgium and abroad. She has a strong preference for traditional tango music, spanning from the late 1920s to the early 1950s, but contemporary tango orchestras are also part of her repertoire. She seamlessly blends romantic, rhythmic, and lyrical tandas with unexpected cortinas.

Marie Jeanne is completely dedicated to the dancers, carefully monitoring the flow and energy on the dance floor. Her greatest reward is a crowded dance floor and dancers who leave at the end of the night with a smile and a deep sense of satisfaction.

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DJ René

René Bui will be our TDJ on Monday Night

Beside workshops and a performance during the Tango Fiesta, we wouldn't want to miss out on a dj set of René.
René has created two renowned milongas in Paris: MilOnda 1905 and Noche de Garufa, where all Parisian tangueros, those from the provinces, and visiting foreigners gather each week.


DJ Jack Rombauts

Jack Rombauts will be our TDJ for the Tea Time Milonga on Tuesday.

Organiser of Encuentros Boca Antwerp, Sélys Milonguero and Xmas in Embrace as well as

Milonga Milonguero Nieuw Kwartier in Antwerp. In his 25 years as a tango dancer, he

evolved towards the Milonguero style. He has been DJing for over 17 years, playing tandas

at milongas, festivals and encuentros in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy,

Poland, Latvia and Spain. He always chooses danceable energetic feel-good music from the

Golden Age Orchestras and ever in function of the dancers on the pista.


Meet artists
Cécile Rouanne & Rémi Esterle

We are happy to announce our first artist couple: Cécile & Rémi from Paris.

When they dance, they make it a point to combine elegance, precision, and boldness to convey authentic emotions to the audience. Their partnership, along with the many other disciplines they have each practiced at a professional level (classical dance, modern dance, contemporary dance, and acrobatics), has allowed them to develop a unique artistic voice and a strong pedagogical understanding. 

Cécile and Rémi speaking:

We made our professional debut in Buenos Aires which served as the laboratory that allowed us to meld together our diverse backgrounds, perfect our skills and develop our artistry in service of Argentine Tango. We developed an entirely unique artistic identity and teaching partnership thanks to the varied dance styles and disciplines that we trained in and pursued professionally (from ballet and contemporary to gymnastics). 


Our complicity and artistic voice has developed over the years through traditional tango demonstrations and competitions - we hold European vice-champions (stage tango category) and French champions (tango de pista) titles - to contemporary creations in which we combine tango elements and principles with modern themes and aesthetics. We have taught and danced throughout France, Europe and beyond.

Our mission is to guide our students towards total freedom on the dance floor using two leading principles : respecting the body to attain technical freedom, becoming one with the music to gain artistic freedom. When these two principles are mastered, the unique connection within each couple is magnified. We strive to always nurture the self confidence of our students, encouraging them to find their own unique tango voice.

Meet artists
Esmé Page & René Bui

Esmé Page and René Bui have both been dancing Argentine tango with a passion for over 20 years. Combining René's musical precision, he's also a drummer, and Esmé's emotional expressivity, she did 10 years of theatre, they decided to become partners only two years ago. Nevertheless, their enthusiasm has already brought them to give many workshops and shows both in France and abroad. Their deep love of the social dance is complemented by their desire for experimentation through stage tango.

René Bui:

René Bui began learning Argentine tango in 2002 in Bordeaux, after spending 10 years as a drummer in a rock band. He places a strong emphasis on pedagogy. Over the years, he has synthesized and structured the knowledge he acquired from his maestros. His background as a musician also contributes to his rich and original approach to this dance, with walking, embrace, musicality combined with technique being the fundamentals that make Argentine tango so unique to him. He has taught in all over France as well as abroad in Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Czech Republic.

He danced in the tango shows: "SEASONS TANGO", "One More," and "Tribute to Astor Piazzolla".

He has created two renowned milongas in Paris: MilOnda 1905 and Noche de Garufa, where all Parisian tangueros, those from the provinces, and visiting foreigners gather each week.

Esmé Page:

Before she even knew how to walk, dance had already become a crucial aspect of Esmé's life. She discovered Argentine tango in Paris almost 20 years ago and has been dancing it with her heart and soul ever since. She trained with the greatest maestros from Buenos Aires and Paris and has been teaching tango herself for many years. Since 2017, she has embarked on the grand adventure of stage tango and has performed regularly in various tango shows and demonstrations.

For Esmé, dancing is as vital as breathing, but it is also one of the most beautiful and subtle forms of non-verbal communication that exists. Dance can also allow for the most direct and sincere expression of our emotions. These are some of the reasons why tango can be so addictive. Thus, Esmé bases her tango teaching on this constant improvisation in connection with the Other and our emotions, allowing for true freedom in bodily expression driven by the music


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